Vericant Writing Sample (VWS)

Trusted and verified

The VWS aims to verify an applicant's ability to write in English.

Secure writing samples for a holistic approach

Vericant’s secure platform and randomly generated questions give admissions teams confidence in their applicant’s writing sample, while the Writing Sample Evaluation (WSE) provides a valuable data point when comparing overall English proficiency.

Authentic sample

In the age of ChatGPT and increasingly competitive application environment, authenticity and security are paramount. Vericant's Writing Sample solves the concern by proctored samples through our proprietary platform or in person at one of our testing centers. Applicants are provided with a desktop computer to complete their VWS in 30 minutes.

Stay organized

An online portal for Admissions Officers makes reviewing writing samples easy. Also, with full integration to Slate, writing samples, scores, and AI Insight summaries are streamlined.


The Writing Sample Evaluation provides another data point to correlate with the Spoken English Evaluation, giving a more holistic view of an applicant's English proficiency.

Secure your writing samples!

Discover how the Writing Sample can elevate your admissions team’s confidence in an applicant’s overall English proficiency.