Writing Sample Evaluation (WSE)
Confirm writing skills
The Writing Sample Evaluation (WSE) assesses applicants written English skills, giving added confidence to admissions teams that an applicant can succeed.

Comprehensive evaluation of written English
Vericant’s Writing Sample Evaluation (WSE) score is a based on The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The WSE rubric has a range from 0-6 and assesses an applicants’ ability to reply to a question appropriately and effectively. These are the categories assessed:
Range of Vocabulary
Breadth of your vocabulary, including its accurate application in context and understanding of definitions.
Grammar Control
Mastery over grammatical structures and rules, such as conjugation and sentence structure.
Ability to organize content effectively, particularly through smooth transitions, appropriate paragraphing, and the use of cohesive devices.
Task Fulfillment
Understanding of the given prompt and your capability to respond with relevant, detailed, and illustrative explanations.
An accurate writing evaluation
Similar to other writing evaluations, Vericant aims to give a standard and secure view of an applicant's writing abilities. Whether using the writing sample to confirm an applicants ability, or verify a score matches another standard measure, the WSE is always a reliable measure.

Frequently asked questions
What is the Writing Sample Evaluation (WSE)?
The Writing Sample Evaluation (WSE) assesses candidates’ written English skills, assigning scores from 0 to 6 (to one decimal place, e.g., 4.3, 2.2). It evaluates the real-world written communication capabilities of participants. After the Vericant interview process, submitting WSE scores helps schools assess an applicant’s English writing skills. These materials allow admissions officers to quickly evaluate an applicant’s written proficiency, facilitating the identification of candidates who meet their admission criteria. For applicants, the WSE score acts as a clear indicator of their performance, highlighting their written communication skills to various schools and programs.
What's the WSE Assesment Criteria?
he WSE score reflects the following four aspects of English written usage, namely:
- Range of Vocabulary (breadth of vocabulary, including its accurate application in context and understanding of definitions)
- Grammar Control (the ability to form sentences using standard grammatical rules)
- Coherence (the ability to organize content effectively, particularly through smooth transitions, appropriate paragraphing, and the use of cohesive devices)
- Task fulfillment (degree of understanding of the given prompt and the capability to respond with relevant, detailed, and illustrative explanations.
How is the WSE score divided?
The WSE score is divided into six levels. For specific details, please refer to the “WSE Grade and Scoring Explanation Table” below. For more questions about the WSE, click on Frequently Asked Questions to view or email customer service at Schedule@vericant.com.
- 6: Demonstrates an exceptional understanding and articulation of ideas, mirroring the proficiency of a native speaker. This level signifies a robust mastery over all facets of written language, showcasing an ability to navigate complex linguistic landscapes with precision and ease.
- 5: Exhibits a high level of competency in communicating both complex and straightforward subjects with clarity and sophistication. Arguments are well-supported and presented in a coherent structure, showcasing fluency despite minor imperfections.
- 4: Possesses the ability to discuss a wide array of topics with competent control over language, producing texts that are coherent, albeit with some errors. The writing is generally clear, making it accessible to the audience.
- 3: Able to write about familiar subjects with a limited degree of fluency, using straightforward language. However, challenges in vocabulary, grammar, and the organization of thoughts are evident, impacting the overall clarity and flow of ideas.
- 2: Restricted to simple written discourse on only familiar topics, relying heavily on basic vocabulary and incomplete sentence structures. Significant support is needed due to substantial difficulties with grammar, structure, and task comprehension.
- 1: Displays minimal proficiency in written communication, with substantial struggles in conveying even the most basic of information.
What are the key features of the WSE?
- WSE Scores: In the WSE assessment report, each applicant’s WSE score is the average of the scores from the four sections outlined in the “WSE Assessment Standards.”
- WSE Assessment Report: All applicants who participate in a Vericant interview receive a Vericant-issued WSE assessment report after the writing sample has been processed. The report includes the applicant’s WSE score and explanations for different scoring levels (i.e., Beginner, Intermediate, and Proficient levels). This score reflects the applicant’s composite score in four aspects of their writing ability. Applicants can see a detailed explanation of the level corresponding to their score, providing them with a clear judgment of their language proficiency level.
- The basis for WSE evaluation is to see what applicants “can do.” Vericant scores correspond to three levels: Beginner level (1-2 points), Intermediate level (3 points), and Proficient level (4-6 points). For example, if an applicant’s WSE score is 3.8, it means that he or she possesses all the abilities described at the intermediate level.
(The Vericant Interview) is really helpful for us, and I totally did not expect them to interview students in such a clever and unexpected way. Through the video interview,we can understand the applicant's English speaking ability more fully.

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